SourcinG the SoulWaterS
GatherinG OuR MediciNe
If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.
~ Rilke
Thursday, July 24 - Monday, July 28, 2025
at Spirit HolloW
in North Bennington, VermonT
Guides: Tish Linstrom and Tracey Forest
ROOTED is a five-day wilderness immersion for women who hear the clarion call to root more deeply than ever in Earth-based ways and wisdom, to gather up in collaboration and community, and strengthen our medicine for the way ahead as we shed false skins and distractions so we can more fully embody our powerful instincts, soul-based knowing and tend our vital belonging to Mystery, Life, and Kin.
In the height of summer, we come together on sacred land as sisters to deepen into and celebrate Wild Ways, following the ancient feminine paths our ancestors/grandmothers walked and knew instinctively through their animal bodies, through listening and feeling, sensing and dreaming.
We come together to remember what is too important to forget.
Together, in communion with the sacred others, we step across shimmering thresholds that take us deep into the forest–into the inner and outer wildlands – to immerse in the art and acts of remembrance, bringing Earth Ways back so that we may reanimate and fully inhabit our own lives and our true place within the Great Web.
During this five-day immersion, we will be tending and amplifying what we already know in our bones and roots, and moving even further into the alluring, seductive enchantments of wild nature, Eros, and Mystery. Through ceremony and devotional practices, council, deep imagery journeys and long wanderings into the woods, we sink back into the roots of remembrance – intuitive remembrance in our body, heart, soul – remembering that we have always been in the dance.
We know it’s time to reclaim our essential part in the dance of Life.
Along the banks of Oracle Brook, we follow our roots down through the layers of Gaia, to the Rio Abajo Rio – the great river beneath the river of the world – the confluence of where our own soul stream meets Earth’s Dream.
Here, we are invited to fall back into the “heart of the world,” to dissolve and open to the Muse, to Mystery, to the mythic underworld, outside of time, free from the overculture’s pace and distractions, to access the voices of the sacred others, to allow ancient knowing to again enter our roots and transpire up through our whole being, so we can walk with precision and purpose.
We empty out habituated ideas and frames so we can open fully to what is dreaming through us and help midwife cultural rebirth.
By honing the skills we need to be women of the Earth and uncovering more of how we are made for these very times, we embody the profound fertility we carry as women in the dance of life. This nourishment fuels us so that we may “rise up rooted” to offer to the world our own unique inspirations and new stories.
Through refining, owning and celebrating our fierce and nurturing wild nature, we step more fully into the sacred responsibility we carry to collaborate and serve the Earth Community in these days of Great Turning.
The intention is for each woman to feel filled with inspiration and support, empowered to leave the immersive with practical tools and next steps to take into her life and into her community that emerge from both her own soul gifts and the collective wisdom.
We honor and anchor in the knowing we cannot and do not make this journey alone.

Rise Up Rooted
How surely gravity’s law,
strong as an ocean current,
takes hold of even the strongest thing
and pulls it toward the heart of the world.
Each thing –
each stone, blossom, child –
is held in place.
Only we, in our arrogance,
push out beyond what we belong to
for some empty freedom.
If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.
Instead we entangle ourselves
in knots of our own making
and struggle, lonely and confused.
So, like children, we begin again
to learn from the things,
because they are in Goddess’s heart;
they have never left her.
This is what the things can teach us:
to fall,
patiently to trust our heaviness.
Even a bird has to do that
before she can fly.
Book of Hours II, 16 Rilke, trans. Joanna Macy and Anita Barrows
Dear Sister —
Do you hear the call from the Earth and the Ancestors to step more fully into your soul gifts, innate wisdom and essential place in the Web?
Do you feel the undeniable pull to listen to and follow a deeper set of instructions - to bring back to Life earth-based soulcentric ways and the heart, wisdoms from the depths?
Are you inside of a shedding, a death that is taking you deeper into uncharted terrain? Do you crave space to honor and work with this sacred death/rebirth cycle?
Do you know in your bones it’s time to go into the mountains with a like minded group of women in devotion to Earth - to listen to what it is we do not yet know - to envision, express and root into what is rising through and within us?
Are you hungry to shed the “false coats we’ve been given” and rekindle the deeper relational fluency you’re made of/for?
Do you consider yourself a midwife to these times of cultural rebirth and crave community in commitment to these ways?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, then we invite you to join us!
The DeTaiLs
This program is created for women, guided by women.
We welcome all women to join us– cis, trans or otherwise – and nonbinary individuals who find their homes in women – and femme-centric spaces, particularly those called to be visionaries, space holders, leaders, healers and agents of cultural change.
Please be aware that content draws from deep feminine concepts and some physiology including menarche, fertility, menopause, matrilineal and ancestral mother-lines, crones, matriarchs, wild feminine nature and the wild in women’s form.
Please join us in this journey if you align with and feel called to work with these core themes.
Opening ceremony and intention setting in Devotional Space
Councils from the Roots
Drumming and Deep imaginal journeys
Coming into Wholeness of the four directions and four elements
Tracking, Instinctive skills
Tending Our Creative Fire
Basic dreamwork
Art and weaving of ritual
Enchantment (song and chanting) and Cultivating Eros in the forest
Authentic movement
Wanders on the land and apprenticing to a grandmother tree
Relational wisdom
Harvesting what’s here/the gifts I already have
Rattling the bones–shaking off the detritus of the culture that keeps us caged/confined/small/clamped down/distracted
Following the threads of remembering by tracking how Mystery has been working me my whole life, through the lens of Soul
Tapping into our Feral Ferocity and Feminine Power
Gathering our Medicine
Ritual Adornment & Embodiment
Visioning Next steps–What’s coming
Spirit Hollow is at the end of the road on 100 forested acres and enveloped by thousands of acres of National Forest Land on the slopes of Grass Mountain in Shaftsbury Hollow, VT.
Our sessions will be held in our 30’ yurt and out on the sacred land. Tracey Forest has been living in deep communion with this land for 25 years, where she lives with her family and animals in the geodesic dome on-site. Along with organic vegetable and medicinal gardens, Spirit Hollow has begun the process of building a food forest, to leave a food legacy for those yet-to-come.
Tuition includes lodging and hot beverages throughout the week.
Early Bird Tuition is $695
Full Tuition offered on a sliding scale of 750- 900.
A non-refundable deposit is required to hold your place.
Space is limited.
Spirit Hollow is a rustic retreat. Your options for lodging are sleeping in one of our two yurts (slumber-party style), rustic tent cabins, or personal tents. We have hot outdoor showers, an outdoor kitchen, and four outhouses for your use.
You will be responsible for bringing your own breakfasts, lunches and snacks for the five-days. We will form meal teams to share shopping and cooking responsibilities for our group suppers. You’ll be part of one team, responsible for one supper.
A non-refundable deposit is required (goes toward your tuition).
After making a deposit, please fill out this Registration Form
Tish Linstrom and Tracey Forest
is deeply passionate about reweaving rites of passage, the wild mature feminine, and soul-based journeys for women to access and reclaim their wholeness, vitality, true fluency, and creative force. She is devoted to Earth/the Great Web of Life and the remembrance of who we are and our sacred aim - to embrace and act from our roots and ancient spirit as intimately connected people to each other and the animate world.
Her unique body of work is a rich tapestry of 30 years of lived experience and guiding - her personal soul journey in the past several years funded an understanding and fierce commitment to the essential reweaving of our relational fabric and wisdom (art and skill) as women, including the vital reclamation of the Wise Woman/Matriarch.
Tish crafts and guides spaces for women in this life stage to claim the deep bone-knowing wisdom they carry and are being called to act on and in service to - spaces for women to step fully into their soul gifts, their medicine, their creative bodies of work and right leadership or eldership. In service to Beauty, Possibility, and Thriving Life.
We are the Ones. Visit her at Wise Woman Roots.
is passionate about helping others step through the doorway into the mystical and the mythical, the sacred and the sublime, the earthy and the erotic, the dark depths and high heights. She is a fearless and compassionate facilitator who has “been to the mountain” and descended into the abyss to lament for the earth, to celebrate the beauty and pain and who knows the rich gifts that lie in the dark to be mined. She stands in the portal, holding a lantern, singing ancient songs, dangling a key, inviting you to step through into the vast landscape of your Soul.
KeyTurner is particularly called to help women and young adults to move from the outworn worlds, across thresholds into yet-too-be-revealed worlds that are coming. She is a deep listener of Earth's dreaming, of the "in-betweens," in communion with the sacred land that is Spirit Hollow, where she has lived and worked for the last 25 years. Co-founding Director of Spirit Hollow, Tracey is a shamanic healer and teacher, yoga teacher and singer of soul-stirring songs. She is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program (1998) in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing under the direct teaching of Dr. Michael Harner, also, she is a Certified Yoga Teacher at the 200-hour level, having studied with transformational teacher, Shiva Rea.
For 20 years, she facilitated a three-year shamanic training, Seeing with the Heart, at Spirit Hollow, until Mystery called her to a new body of work. At Spirit Hollow, Tracey offers a variety of hands-on, nature-based, soul-centric programs, and experiments in ecological living, where individuals gain tools with which to live meaningfully in these unprecedented times. She also is a soul mentor, conducting one-on-one sessions with people from all over the world.
With 35 years of experience guiding others, she has been studying with Bill Plotkin for the last eight years. She is a Certified Level 1 Wild Mind Guide with the Animas Valley Institute. Currently, she is about to graduate from the multi-year Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) with Plotkin learning the nuances of Soul Initiation guiding and cultivating more tools to assist in the Wholing and Healing of this broken, beautiful world.