Wild Woman Vision Fast
July 14 -21, 2025
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
Total tuition on a sliding scale: $1000 - 1800
$450.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Required to Hold Your Space:
July 14 -21, 2025
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
Total tuition on a sliding scale: $1000 - 1800
$450.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Required to Hold Your Space:
July 14 -21, 2025
Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf
Total tuition on a sliding scale: $1000 - 1800
$450.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Required to Hold Your Space:
Dear Sister—
Earth is singing her daughters home. Do you hear her call?
She is calling us back to the soul stream that flows underneath everything – inviting us to shed our too-small coats of fear, and drop into deep time, so we may remember her ancient rhythms in our own bodies, hear and chant her potent voice, feel her generative love, and infuse in her ancestral wisdoms, making our own selves an offering on the altar of her beautiful and vulnerable, green and flowering heart.
As women of Gaia, in these challenging times, we are being asked to listen below the maw of destruction and human ego, so that we can learn to trust and move from a more feminine, life-giving place. That liminal, magical place can only be accessed when we wander away from the ‘village’ of our dayworld lives, cross the threshold into the realms of Mystery and make ourselves vulnerable to our dreams, our grief, our longings, and our embodied wholeness.
Dear One, will you join us?
Are you at a crossroads in your life?
Are you seeking a journey to the mountain to find your true voice again?
Are you longing for an immersion in the forest, with Mystery, in conversation with your soul and the wild and sacred others?
Offered only once a year, this 9-day-wilderness fast ceremony created by and for women will help you realign with your deepest truth and most authentic self.
"It’s hard to put into words how incredible this journey was for me. Tracey, I am beyond thankful for your beautiful spirit, kind approach and spunky personality. The week was filled with every emotion possible and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I learned so much from you, my time on the land and my fellow sisters." - Jenna, 2024 participant
In the wildlands of Spirit Hollow, among mountain streams and the calls of the barred owl, you will be invited to step through the portal to seek the place where your dream and the Earth’s dream meet. This program is about getting you back to some of your “original instructions,” so you can re-member who you truly are. By engaging deeply with Mystery, Earth, and the other-than-human ones, you will gain perspective, insight, courage and clarity to begin living with deeper purpose in the world.
The first few days of the program will be spent at base camp in preparation for the solo fast. In a series of ceremonies, councils, journeys and wanders, you’ll be guided to lovingly call your authentic self back out from hiding, see where you have been conforming to stories that are not your own, and open doorways to your deepest gifts. In sacred space, you will be guided to hone your intentions, identify obstacles and fears holding you back from walking your truth, and learn Wild Mind wholing and self-healing tools to resource you for your solo.
The 72-hour solo and fast will be your time out on the land to open your whole being to guidance, inspiration, and clarity. You will cross the threshold into the mystery and magic of your depths, and be held and mirrored by the living Earth, to reanimate your wild self, to meet your soul in all its beauty.
The last two days back at camp, will be held in deep council, integration, ceremony, emerging from the wild lands, back into the ‘village’ resourced, clear, inspired and empowered on your path.
“The Wild Women Vision Quest was a transformational experience. I am deeply grateful for the powerful and sacred container the guides created for us. The solo fast changed my life and I received the vision I had been seeking. The preparation and return were equally important, and I felt deeply witnessed and held in each phase of the journey.” ~ 2020 participant
This gathering is about how we can move beyond conversation, valuable as it is, and begin the process of meaningful structural shift in our culture and in our own lives by bringing forth our unique contributions and practicing communication from our authentic selves rather than the masks of societal imprinting.
This immersion is held in a deeply resonant, revered, loved, and protected hollow in an expansive forested wilderness area in the Southwestern Vermont Taconic Mountains where wilderness fasts, trainings, wild immersions, extended solos, and camps have been held for decades. The trees, the stones, creatures, and waters know our pain, witness our breakdowns and breakthroughs, and reflect for us what we need to hear.
The time is now, dear one, Gaia needs us to step forward and claim our place of belonging in the Earth Community.
We need Earth lovers, healers, way showers, activists, ceremonialists, artisans and singers in every village re-enchanting the human community with songs, art, and medicine to bring people home to deep love and reciprocity with Gaia. We need to move from Soul and lift our voices. We need authenticity and sovereignty as the times of subservience have cost us too much. Join the groundswell of wild women, so together we may weave a new culture of care, sustainability, and consciousness into the world.
In a sacred circle of sisters, held by seasoned guides, we will dive into:
Group and Self-Designed Ceremonies
Dream Work
Wild Mind Wholing and Healing Work
Soulcrafting practices
Deep Council Processes
Imaginal Journeys
Authentic Dance/Movement
Daily Wanders in the Forest
72-hour Vision Fast
'Tools for integration and actualization of what you receive on your fast
"Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for having encountered and entered into your wild world. I am forever changed by this experience and feel the genuine invitation to step anew onto the path towards remembering and reclaiming my soul’s deepest purpose." Kathryn, 2024 participant
Cross The Threshold
Total exchange for the program is Sliding scale $1000 - 1800. Non-refundable $450 deposit required. We recognize that people have different financial means. We ask that you consider how much a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime experience is truly worth to you and pay as you are able on the sliding scale, honoring our guides time and all the years of training they have poured into their expert holding of this ceremony.
This immersion requires an application. Once you have been accepted into the program, a $450 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot. Participants are responsible for bringing their own breakfasts and lunches. Meal teams will be formed for our shared suppers while at base camp.
Email Tracey with questions.
Tracey Forest (KeyTurner)
is a soul-initiation guide who is passionate about helping others step through the doorway into the mystical and the mythical, the sacred and the sublime, the earthy and the erotic, the dark depths and high heights. She is a fearless and compassionate facilitator who has “been to the mountain” and descended into the abyss to lament for the earth, to celebrate the beauty and pain and who knows the rich gifts that lie in the dark to be mined. She stands in the portal, holding a lantern, singing ancient songs, dangling a key, inviting you to step through into the vast landscape of your Soul.
KeyTurner is particularly called to help women and young adults to move from the outworn worlds, across thresholds into yet-too-be-revealed worlds that are coming. She is a deep listener of Earth's dreaming, of the "in-betweens," in communion with the sacred land that is Spirit Hollow and a devotee of the soul stream, the mythological realms in service to that which is the holiest of holies, the deepest Source beneath all identities, all spiritualities and all beings.
Co-founding Director of Spirit Hollow, Tracey is a healer and teacher, yoga teacher and singer of soul-stirring songs. She is graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program (1998) in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing under the direct teaching of Dr. Michael Harner, also, she is a Certified Yoga Teacher at the 200-hour level, having studied with transformational teacher, Shiva Rea.
With 30 years of experience guiding others, she has been studying with Bill Plotkin for the last seven years. She is a Certified Level 1 Wild Mind Nature-Based Underworld Guide with the Animas Valley Institute. Currently, she is in the final phases of the multi-year Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) with Plotkin learning the nuances of Soul Initiation Guide and cultivating more tools to assist in the Wholing and Healing of this broken, beautiful world.
Tracey has been guiding vision fasts for the last 20 years, has done four fasts herself, and knows the incredible power that this ceremony holds to dissolve, rearrange, and shapeshift us into who Earth has dreamed us to be.
Kimber Wattendorf (Northstar)
has spent her life seeking the mystical cloaked in the mundane, the spiritual concealed within the secular. As a child she had aspirations of joining the priesthood of her Roman Catholic upbringing, but despite her penchant for transubstantiating Ritz crackers and absolving her stuffed animals of their sins, certain accidents of birth in the form of improper plumbing barred that course of action. Thus she embarked on a roundabout journey back to Source that took her from the parking lots of Grateful Dead shows to Zen monasteries, rock shows to gem shows, dive bars to crystalline mountain summits. As T.S. Elliot enjoined, she “never ceased from exploration, and at the end of all her exploring was to arrive where she started and know the place for the first time.”
All her wandering eventually led to Spirit Hollow, where she finally found Here, on the Land, the divinity she had been so desperately seeking Elsewhere, down endless labyrinthine American highways of night. Through the Seeing with the Heart Apprenticeship, under the tutelage of the incredible beings, human and more than human, who steward this sacred place, Northstar finally found her calling and her medicine. Now, as a yogi, a shamanic healer, a daughter of Gaia and a priestess of the Goddess, Northstar is deeply committed to assisting our young ones who are also adrift in the darkness of our times to find their own direction Home.
Her life’s mission is to be a navigator of soul, and she is dedicated to holding space and shining light that lost boys and lost girls of all ages might chart their course back to loving, regenerative relationship with Nature, with Community, with Mystery, and with Self.