RE-EARTHING: Coming Home to the Wild Soul


A Six-Month Immersion


Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf

RE-EARTHING is an six-month journey of connecting to our pure and beautiful humanness, re-wholing fragmented parts deep in our subconscious, being part of a soulful community, and falling in love with Earth, each other and the challenges and opportunities of these times.

TUITION is on a Sliding scale 

EARLY BIRD DEADLINE. Register by September 10 to receive a 15% discount on your chosen tuition.

$1350 - 1850

Tuition includes a one-on-one mentoring session with either Kimber or Tracey.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot.

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A Six-Month Immersion


Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf

RE-EARTHING is an six-month journey of connecting to our pure and beautiful humanness, re-wholing fragmented parts deep in our subconscious, being part of a soulful community, and falling in love with Earth, each other and the challenges and opportunities of these times.

TUITION is on a Sliding scale 

EARLY BIRD DEADLINE. Register by September 10 to receive a 15% discount on your chosen tuition.

$1350 - 1850

Tuition includes a one-on-one mentoring session with either Kimber or Tracey.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot.

A Six-Month Immersion


Guides: Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorf

RE-EARTHING is an six-month journey of connecting to our pure and beautiful humanness, re-wholing fragmented parts deep in our subconscious, being part of a soulful community, and falling in love with Earth, each other and the challenges and opportunities of these times.

TUITION is on a Sliding scale 

EARLY BIRD DEADLINE. Register by September 10 to receive a 15% discount on your chosen tuition.

$1350 - 1850

Tuition includes a one-on-one mentoring session with either Kimber or Tracey.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot.

Rediscover your wild, authentic self and become inspired to find your unique calling within the great work Earth is calling us to do. 

Our beautiful planet is reaching out, inviting us to help transform our culture into one rooted in integrity, beauty, wisdom, and regeneration—principles our ancestors lived by but that many in modern society have forgotten.

In this program, you will uncover and reclaim the untapped inner resources that are essential to the flowering of your greatest potential, and to the protection and restoration of our planet’s ecosystems. It is the work that is necessary to rise up and become a genuine agent of cultural transformation—and to experience the most profound fulfillment of a lifetime. 

We will meet in person for five weekends in September - March, and gather on Zoom during the holiday season. Each session will include teachings, deep imagery journeys, council, small group practices, and transformational experiences on the land and in the forest. We will be offering you many invitations to deepen the work between sessions.  

The tools you’ll learn will serve you throughout your entire life.

All of this is done in an ongoing circle of soul siblings! The power of community is what many of us are lacking in our dayworld lives. ReEarthing creates a deep and supportive community circle where you BELONG and can share your longings, fears, grief, hopes and visions for a better world.

ReEarthing is a place where you are welcomed in your raw vulnerability, a place where all emotions are embraced, where self-love is amplified, and perspective and play are celebrated, where you will cross thresholds into the forest and into the depths of your own soul, where inspiration is re-ignited and revered.

ReEarthing is a skillfully and lovingly-held container that offers you an avenue into exploring the mysteries of yourself and your world. KeyTurner and NorthStar are excellent at seeing straight through the fog and debris that clouds you, and seeing right into your potential and your gifts. They are true guides that will not force you or try to change you or bludgeon you with unhelpful spiritual platitudes. They come with a palpable sense of love and integrity.
— Emily, "WayShower" 2022-23 participant

Over the course of this six-month journey, your nervous system will settle into a deep sense of belonging in yourself and within the wider Earth community.

You will:

  • Cultivate the inner resources necessary to participate fully and consciously in the evolution of life on Earth

  • Deepen your relationship with Earth and become inspired to find your unique calling within the great work we are being called to do

  • Gain access to energy, creativity and passion that may have been locked away since childhood

  • Be part of a supportive soul family where you belong and can share your longings, fears, grief, hopes and visions for a better world

  • Spend time immersed in the wild forest in addition to engaging in practices like reclaiming shadow parts, core wound work, and embodying our raw, wild, fully emotive selves

Our highly-skilled guides follow your journey over time, helping you explore your edges, recognize your gifts, and uncover your deeper story. They mirror your experiences, draw you out, challenge you, and offer personalized invitations so you can fully come home to your wild soul. You'll leave inspired, ignited, and deeply resourced, ready to embrace a soul-infused life and come fully ALIVE in these tumultuous times!

Earth, isn’t this what you want? To arise in us, invisible?

Is it not your dream, to enter us so wholly

there’s nothing left outside us to see?

What, if not transformation

is your deepest purpose? Earth, my love,

I want it too.. Believe me,

no more of your springtimes are needed

to win me over—even one flower

is more than enough. Before I was named

I belonged to you.

~Rainer Maria Rilke

RE-EARTHING will meet in person for five weekends September - March, and gather on Zoom during the holiday season. Each session will include teachings, deep imagery journeys, council, small group practices, and experiential invitations out on the land and in the forest. We will be offering you many invitations to deepen the work between sessions. 

This program is open to all genders and orientations

2024 - 25 Dates — A combination of in-person and online meetings

September 28 - 29, 2024 in person

October Meeting is on Zoom

November 23 -24, 2024 in person

December Meeting is on Zoom

January 18 - 19, 2025 in person

February 22 - 23, 2025 in person

March 22 - 23, 2025 in person

ReEarthing has emerged from Tracey's and Kimbers’ own life-long journeys of healing and re-wholing into passionate love for Earth and Mystery and our human place within it. This work is inspired and informed by Bill Plotkin and the Animas Valley Institute, the teachings of Joanna Macy, and by profound, decades-long apprenticeships with the sacred land upon which they dwell as well as the poets, writers, thinkers and dreamers that collectively inspire a vision of the evolution of humanity. 

*This program was originated by Tracey and Jonah Roberts.

ReEarthing is a skillfully and lovingly-held container that offers you an avenue into exploring the mysteries of yourself and your world. KeyTurner and NorthStar are excellent at seeing straight through the fog and debris that clouds you, and seeing right into your potential and your gifts. They are true guides that will not force you or try to change you or bludgeon you with unhelpful spiritual platitudes. They come with a palpable sense of love and integrity.
— Emily L

Curious to learn more about the practices we’ll be doing? 

Our time together will include a rich array of transformative experiences designed to connect you with your deepest, most well-resourced self:

  • Soulcrafting™ – a cross-cultural set of practices developed by Bill Plotkin and guides of the Animas Valley Institute

    • dreamwork

    • self-designed ceremonies

    • conversations across the species boundaries

    •  embodiment exercises (ecstatic dancing, authentic movement and coming into our animal bodies)

    • threshold crossings,

    • deep imagery exercises

    • creation of art and collage

    • soulful poetry and music and drumming 

    • extended periods of time on the land, praising, lamenting, listening

    • cultivating relationships with the other-than-human ones

  • Wild Mind practices (Nature-Based Map of the Human Psyche) to learn how to access the Four Facets of Wholeness and work with our sub-personalities or “protective parts” to learn to do self-healing.

    • journaling

    • deep imagery to facets of wholeness and protective ones

    • dialogue work

    • four-directions circles

    • re-nesting for inner support and unconditional love

    • courting one’s inner beloved on the land

    • invoking and getting to know the Muse

    • shadow work

  • The Way of Council

    •  Circle process for speaking from the heart, listening from the heart, getting to the heart of the matter and being spontaneous

    • Guides mirror, reflect and offer invitations periodically to deepen participants’ journey

  • The Spiral of the Work that Reconnects from Joanna Macy. 

    • Starting with Gratitude

    • Honoring our Pain for the World

    • Seeing with New Eyes

    • Work with Ancestors and Future Ones in Deep Time

    • Going Forth


Bring your own lunches and breakfasts.  We will be sharing a potluck meal on Saturday night. Coffee and tea will be provided all weekend long. There is an outdoor stove and sink for your use (in warm months) as well as a refrigerator. Please bring easy to put together or heat foods (premade might be best) as we will not have time for extensive prep and cooking.

Lodging for Weekend Gatherings:

Location: All weekends will take place at Spirit Hollow in Shaftsbury, Vermont.

Lodging: We will be staying in yurts, rustic tents or personal tents. Lodging in the Brook yurt is slumber party style, so you’ll need to bring all of your bedding.

We do have four outhouses for your use.

There are plenty of inns and Airbnbs for staying in the area.  A few suggested places are here:

We recommend all of the following hotels/motels/inns, all within 20 minutes of Spirit Hollow:

TUITION is on a Sliding scale 

$1350 - 1850

Tuition includes a one-on-one mentoring session with either Kimbers or Tracey.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot.

Add on 3 additional mentoring sessions with either Kimber or Tracey (or a combo) for an additional $300. Mentoring sessions are super valuable in going as deeply as you possibly can with this work and are highly recommended.


Please consider that the midpoint of this scale is our intended price. If money flows abundantly for you, please consider giving more, and if finances are tight then we have purposely made the low end of the scale accessible.  While you can pay anywhere on that scale, you must commit to the fee you agree on. You’ll be asked to sign a tuition contract at our first session. We prefer you pay the whole fee up front, but payment plans are available and can be arranged by emailing Tracey. Your deposit counts TOWARD your total tuition.

Please fill out this registration form and make a deposit.

*If we meet our minimum, we will have two partial-tuition scholarships. Please email Tracey to inquire.


‘Wild Mind’ by Bill Plotkin. Please purchase and begin reading this book before our first gathering.


Tracey Forest and Kimber Wattendorft

Tracey (KeyTurner) is passionate about helping others step through the doorway into the mystical and the mythical, the sacred and the sublime, the earthy and the erotic, the dark depths and high heights. She is a fearless and compassionate facilitator who has “been to the mountain” and descended into the abyss to lament for the earth, to celebrate the beauty and pain and who knows the rich gifts that lie in the dark to be mined. She stands in the portal, holding a lantern, singing ancient songs, dangling a key, inviting you to step through into the vast landscape of your Soul.  

As a soul midwife she is committed to helping people cross from the old world to the yet-to-be-revealed one, with owl wings outstretched across Deep Time, across millennia, born with a broken-open heart, tapped into the magma in the Earth’s core, singing while split in half, making the lament beautiful while the rattle snake rattles.

Co-founding Director of Spirit Hollow, Tracey is a shamanic healer and teacher, yoga teacher and singer of soul-stirring songs.  A graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ Three-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, she has been training shamanic healers for over 20 years through the Seeing with the Heart Apprenticeship Program  and running transformational immersions and camps for that time as well.  With 25 years of experience guiding others, she has been studying with Bill Plotkin for the last six years.  She is a Certified Level 1 Wild Mind Nature-Based Underworld Guide with the Animas Valley Institute.  She is about to graduated from the multi-year Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Program (SAIP) with Plotkin learning the nuances of Soul Initiation Guide and cultivating more tools to assist in the Wholing and Healing of this broken, beautiful world.

Kimber Wattendorf (Northstar) has spent her life seeking the mystical cloaked in the mundane, the spiritual concealed within the secular. As a child she had aspirations of joining the priesthood of her Roman Catholic upbringing, but despite her penchant for transubstantiating Ritz crackers and absolving her stuffed animals of their sins, certain accidents of birth in the form of improper plumbing barred that course of action. Thus she embarked on a roundabout journey back to Source that took her from the parking lots of Grateful Dead shows to Zen monasteries, rock shows to gem shows, dive bars to crystalline mountain summits. As T.S. Elliot enjoined, she “never ceased from exploration, and at the end of all her exploring was to arrive where she started and know the place for the first time.”

All her wandering eventually led to Spirit Hollow, where she finally found Here, on the Land, the divinity she had been so desperately seeking Elsewhere, down endless labyrinthine American highways of night. Through the Seeing with the Heart Apprenticeship, under the tutelage of the incredible beings, human and more than human, who steward this sacred place, Northstar finally found her calling and her medicine. Now, as a yogi, a shamanic healer, a daughter of Gaia and a priestess of the Goddess, Northstar is deeply committed to assisting our young ones who are also adrift in the darkness of our times to find their own direction Home.
Her life’s mission is to be a navigator of soul, and she is dedicated to holding space and shining light that lost boys and lost girls of all ages might chart their course back to loving, regenerative relationship with Nature, with Community, with Mystery, and with Self.