The Third Way

 These days are intense, aren't they?  It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the daily atrocities occurring, to feel helpless, scared, and ready to give up hope.

Never have times been more urgent in our lifetimes, perhaps.  The divisions and binaries are so stark, and for many of our brothers and sisters, these times are life-threatening.  It's hard to see the way forward sometimes.

BUT, at Spirit Hollow, we are listening for The Third Way as we fully enter what Frances Weller calls the "Long Dark" and Joanna Macy calls "the Great Unravelling."

How can we continue to become Imaginarians, living with faith in the deep possibilities -- not the way of this increasingly authoritarian culture and not only some imagined future utopia, but how can we leave room for the IN-BETWEENS with curiosity and faith in the "there's something here we DON'T know." In the YET-TO-BE-REVEALED.

In the cracks. In the trust that there is so much more to these times than we can see on the surfaces. What will emerge that is completely off the map of the known? What is happening in the liminal spaces?

What if we hold reverence and openness for what Bayo Akomolafe calls "the spirits of the fault lines?" What if the more humane and truly just and life-enhancing world needs us to step out of the binaries (all of them that are so amplified currently) and INTO THE VAST unknown? Let's invite them in and LISTEN, listen, listen. . .

Do not pray exclusively to the ancestors of the land; make room also for the spirits of the fault line, the new gods that scream through cracks with the first musical notes of worlds to come.--Bayo Akomolafe

Are you one who knows there's another way to live that lies beyond the known and is looking for community, inspiration, skills and personal development?

This June, at Spirit Hollow, we are offering a deep dive into these waters, a residential two-week gathering for people 18 and up, who are called to be eco-centric leaders, visionaries, dreamers of the third way.


At Earth Craft Residency, 
we will live in the forest in soul-centric community, spending our time in council, wandering the land, cultivating wholeness, participating in dreaming together and building together a food forest.

Earth Craft Residency

A Two-Week Incubator in Generating Soul-Centric, Life-Enhancing Community

June 14th-29th, 2025 at Spirit Hollow, Vermont

What A Resident Receives

- Residents are immersed in a potent experience of what is possible in an eco-centric and soul-centric community. 

- Learn skills in how to track your personal as well as community’s psycho-spiritual threads for enhanced communal connection to land, soul, and each other.

- Learn to tend your personal soul threads while interweaving with and supporting the threads of your community through the process of healing, growth, and challenge.

- Take away actionable skills and experience in cultivating eco/soul-centric community, along with foundational knowledge and applications of contemporary western-centric models and frameworks that can be applied to your life and lands back home.

Get the Details


Earth and Soul


January 2025 News!